Kari Tyree

Truth in Beauty, Beauty in Truth

A Strange Man Winked at Me, and It Made My Day

My mom, daughter, and I were at the playground next to the covered picnic area where the local farmer’s market meets every Thursday at 4 pm. It was still only 3:30, so we had a while to hang out before finding our home-grown treasures. There was another family also playing there, and I can only describe them as sparkling. Somehow they reminded me of gems as they enjoyed each other and the warmth of the day.

The mom and little baby were relaxing on a bench, nursing, and the two little girls, maybe 5 and 4, were running around in flowing tops and jeans, while the daddy was delightedly responding to their creative play.

“Daddy, I found a nest in the tree!”

“You did? You see everything! Wow! That’s amazing!”

“You can’t catch me, Daddy!”

“I’m coming to get you!”

As I observed all of the excitement and heard the giggles, I was quite impressed with this family’s interactions. The dad was so encouraging to his girls and, one could see, supportive of his wife. When the farmer’s market was about to start, he continued to play with the girls as the mom headed over to do her shopping. This was just one of those families that one aspires to be part of. I hope we’re like that someday, I was thinking, almost sub-consciously.

4 o’clock drew closer, and Mom and I decided to go search out the local coffee roaster. I grabbed my little girl and followed my mom across the playground towards the picnic tables, passing by the gem dad (who was now holding his baby) and his little girls as I did so. Planning a big approving smile as I approached him, I was ready to meet his eye. But I wasn’t ready for the gigantic wink that he gave me as I came closer. The gem had flashed in the sunlight, and I burst into a huge grin and let out a laugh, too. I couldn’t help but keep smiling throughout our whole time shopping, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the inspirational dad and his neat family.

The power of a man who is doing his masculine role well, who is excelling in uplifting his family and engaging with them, is immense. He has the ability to show others the way by example. He has the ability to say implicitly to others, “I know you’re in this life thing, too, and you are doing a great job. Keep on! You can do it.” At least, those are the words I heard in my mind as I caught the wink of this stranger. Thanks, stranger, and thanks to all fathers and husbands out there who are doing the same.